The Innocent face of Indonesia house speaker, Setya Novanto. If you are keen in political issues in Indonesia, Sir Nova Setyanto is quite popular figure of politics. He witholds prestigious position in parliament. Yes, he is the house speaker of parliament 2014-2019.
This guy is worth to be patron of young generations in term of business. He was a young successful interpreneur and has achieved the culmination of career as a businessman. He owns the group of business Nova Group which engages in many kind of businesses like transportation, livestock, and many others. In term of business, this famous politician deserves much credit. Yet nothing draws much more my attentions other than his unique facial expression which is innocent by nature, Innocent face of House speaker indeed the appropriate tag line for him.
Yet,does innocent mean pure? clean in some term? honest or any suitable attributions matching this word innocent?
This question won't match appropriate answers, moreover the freedom to answer is much constrained by the fear of law. It's truly the law, the great fear of nation wide to speak what they believe to be true. Because belief doesn't mean the truth if you do it before the law. Law perhaps has become the safe hidden place. It's not the cry of crowd would be paid much attention but the real evidence/the fact to be defended with sophisticated arguments before the court.
The innocent face of Indonesia House Speaker many times come up in local TV news through some controversial issues laid upon him within his capacity as Senator.
Lately, there are two important issues ensnared him.Months ago, he was caught in presidential campaign of Mr Donal Trump, USA presidential candidate. Mr novanto was blamed for his senatorial attitude who disrespect the dignity of the country through his capacity as senator.
Yet, Mr Senator was able to defend him self from the issue arguing that the meeting was not intended for the campaign.
Again he came up in such an innocent face. The citizens remain speakless for the truth, not knowing whether their trust over the senator has been misused or not.
Currently, Mr Novanto was pointed as the figure behind the mention of president's name in negotiationg the freeport.
After the witness of President Director of Freeport and minister of energy and resources accusing novanto for doing the negotiation outside of his range of power as the senator. Moreover, according to the witness of Energy and Natural resources Minister, there was a request of obligation on the behalf of president.
Spontantly the nation wide curses the issues of denigration of president dignity as the the symbol of the country. There are many pros and contras for the issues. Meanwhile others remain speachless for fear of the law that might entrap every single word uttered.
How about Mr novanto facing the issues?
He is still the same like yesterday coming up in an innocent face. Let every body analyze the word of innocence but at least his appearance is enough to say
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