

Jakarta is in great crisis of management waste pngJakarta is in great crisis of management waste. It was admittedly by Indonesian president that no effective breakthroughs yet to handle the procured rubbish from household, industry and many other sources.

The great cause of the increasing quantity of waste indeed is the rising of middle class population who produce rubbish hiking daily that government finds the trouble to manage. It's much caused by limited trucks, rubbish disposal that's a big challenge for the government.
As to flash back, the polemy of waste disposal Bantar gebang, Bekasi regency ever reaped a zap between governor of jakarta, ahok and the counselor of bekasi. Bekasi claimed of being disadvantaged by the pointing of bantar gebang as final disposal which has transpired through the years. Furthermore, it's assumed that bekasi is only receiving negative impact from the waste of jakarta especially concerning the settlement in radius area who worsely

Waste management is likewise the ultimat homework of central government. There must be invention of breakthroughs like the recycling strategy that encompassing the biggest portion of solution.

So far the creativity of young generation has made a subtle solution like the reused of garbage(disposable like leaves) as the main composition of rooftile. Yet the core if the problem is the nondisposable garbages that become the main problem of waste management. Furthermore, it's worsen by the less awareness of the people to have a good habit of putting the trushes in right place.

For the author, the main core of solution is the regulation of plastics production that has to be removed. It's much be pushed the used of disposable means instead of plastic materials. We are not luck of competent people to unstrap the crisis. It's just have to be boosted by the initiation of government to coerce the policy of plastic materials eradication production.


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