Will pope francis imitate john paul II bringing peace in middle east? this is the greatest challenge of this prime leader of catholic church who is recognized as the central figure of the world.
After his appointment as the leader of catholic church, pope francis is quite popular as the peace promotor. One of his great success is retrieving diplomatic approaching between washington and havana. The incoming diplomatic meeting between tehran and vatican that was postponed due to parish bomb, pope francis is aimed to talk for urgency of peace in the middle east. He is much concerned with the oppression of christians minority who seek for refuge and the increasing number of refugees in middle east.
The success of pope francis in middle east promotion determine his capacity to bring the restoration and peace promotion like his predecessor pope john paul who traced many breakthroughs in term of peace and human rights call of restoration.
The position of pope francis is basically central in middle east transformation looking to the fact that he is the only expected figure who can influence the western countries that are notably witholding interest in middle east.
The initiation of tehran and vatican diplomactic meeting surely cope up with both aims of these two countries. Tehran in certain measure will articulate the lifting of economic sanctions due to the curbing of its nuclear program. While the vatican adovates the slaugther of christians as the cause of turmoil within the middleast. Iran is considered the mostly feasible country to negotiate. Moreover, iran is the new rising country of middle east who has more superior technology next to israel which is expected to be the mediator to curb the agitation in middle east.
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