

POLICE RAIDED ILLEGAL ABORTION CLINIC IN MENTENG JAKARTAIndonesia police officer raided illegal abortion clinic in menteng jakarta. These two clinics are exactly located in cimandiri and cisadane streeth, menteng, central jakarta. 

According anonymous local people there, this abortion practice has been long transpired. Mostly people around location know very well about illegal killing of unborn babies but they remain apathetic as long they never disturb the local people there. 

Local people around the precint described that numerous patients mostly the young people come to look for the place. Even some of them are still in highschool uniforms coming accompanied by their parents or boyfriends. They usually come using private cars and asking the location of the clinic to people nearby. 

Usually there are panders approaching to the patients pointing out to the locations. Most of the panders are not from the people around the location, they usually use motorcycle approaching to the patient offering abortion services. 

After such long time existing, indonesia police finally found out the location and confirmed the suspect who are the doctor and clinic workers. For the crime perpetrated, the suspect will be punished with 10 years in jail. 

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