

THE STRUGGLE OF 9 YEARS OLD BOY TO SAVE HIS MOTHER'S LIFE pngThe struggle of 9 years old boy to save his mother's life. He is edy eko prasetyo, an elementary student, in central java province, Indonesia. 

This boy's story caught netizen's attention after exposing his struggle through social media then makes sympathizers including the governments coming to visit him and his mother.

Edy lives with his mother and his younger sister. After his mother suffers from kidney failure, edy has become the bread winner for the family. Unlike other children who spend extra time after schools, edy chooses to sell macaroni Rp 1000 per plastic pieces ( less than 1 $) to have his mother a serious medical treatment.

Every day he rides bicycle to sell macaroni in every corner of the village. All his customers are mothers buying macaroni which he saves to gain mounts of money for medical surgery in hospital that requires big amount of money.

The story of edy then becomes the trending topic of social media through which the benefactors offering help for the medical treatment of his mother.

The government both local and national plunged to check and ensures the free medication and surgery through provided free programs like free health card of the government.
When the media inquired edy and his family, his mother verified the truth about the struggle of his son selling macaroni for his medication. She added, after exposure in social media, she even rejected the late offer of the government due to pre offered from benefactors.

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