

QLUE JEK, DRONE FREIGHT FORWARDING SERVICEQlue jek makes incredible breakthrough in freight forwarding service of the country. This air freight forwarding

service is to use drone in delivering the goods within the city. The manager of qlue jek, ivan is inspired much the

heavy traffic congestion in the metro jakarta through which he stated that the choice of drone.
Ivan said that it's very effective and eficient to use drone in freight forwarding goods in the city of jakarta.

Drone us unmannded aircraft that is becoming upheaval its use in the country. It is controlled by remote system, equipped with gps as its navigation and position lock. The remote control can be replaced by smartphone downloading the software from playstore or application store for iphone users.

The drone its self is the innovation for online purchase and delivering. It is capable to hold 5kg goods in range of 25 km. Moreover, the drone can take pictures from above to certain locations that are integrated with qlue jek system.

In indonesia, the drone is created by ex pilot of helicopter using the combination of remote control and virtual reality. This two technology is used to detect the position of the drone in air.

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