
Indonesians' Behavior and Big Digital Business Prospect

Indonesians' Behavior and  Big Digital Business ProspectDigital business inevitably brings a promising future business prospect. It continues to be the world trend business following the progress of technology.
According to Google research in collaboration with australia TNS, around 50% smartphone users in indonesia using the gadget for social media, chatting and googling. This research leverages the opportunity of e-commerce as the future paramount prototype of new business. 

Recently, the businessman has taken this as great opportunity like manifold online purchase sites such as OLX, tokopedia, bhineka.com, mataharimal.com and also the use of transportation access through smartphone like gojek, uber, and grab. All these start ups acquire positive responses through high participation of customers to the new mode of business. 

The government on the other hand call for the large improvement of this e-commerce set up. Through the communication ministry, the businessmen engaged are expected to make the smart approach to extend massive invention of the mobile application for the business sake. The government is quite optimistic toward the target of e-commerce that is predicted to dominate the business of the country. It provides easiness for the consumers and bringing the big profit prospect for the businessmen.

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