
IDX Director is Confident Tax Amnesty will Multiply Transaction 200%

IDX Director is Confident Tax Amnesty will Multiply Transaction 200%IDX Director, Tito Sulistio in hearing assembly with Commission XI of senate presented that Tax Amnesty will stimulate good indication toward capital transaction. The effect of tax amnesty will double transaction around 15 trillion rupiahs per day. This is bigger than current transaction which only reach around 6-7 trillion rupiahs per day. This means the velocity of transaction in IDX is still around 21% smaller than neighbor countries like singapore 40%, thailand 70%. 
Tito said if IDX will reach 60% the transaction will be around 15 trillion rupiahs per day. Tax amnesty will bring big advantage for capital market transaction of the country. 

Last week the stock hit a record high in terms of frequency, beat all the ASEAN countries, "said Tito. There was an increase in transactions to an average of 377,000 per day.

This figure is higher than the average transaction Philippine Stock Exchange that only 56,000 per day, 74,000 per day Singapore and Malaysia 153,000 per day.

"Today (Wednesday) the stock broke the record for market capitalization reached Rp 5.670 trillion. Interestingly, our stock directly beat Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. So it has been felt  the impact of the tax amnesty," said Tito.

Furthermore, he says, BEI continues also to disseminate the tax amnesty program. Tito said, many questions arise during the socialization.

But three questions that are most often found in the grounds of lock-up of three years, a risk if following the tax amnesty program, and the consequences of not following the tax amnesty program

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