
Dozens of Banks Opt overtime for Tax Amnesty

Dozens of Banks Opt overtime for Tax Amnesty

The banks that are appointed to collect tax amnesty fund opt to extend their working hours. There around 76 banks perception extend 6 hours overtime up to 21:00 pm on friday. This due to massive taxpayers who hunt for the deadline of lowest ransom for rate offered in september 30th, 2016.

The normal time of operating hours of banks for friday is supposed to be at 15:00pm but it has to extend 6 hours due to large numbers of taxpayers who wish to participate in deadline date.
It is expected to maximize the service for taxpayers. 

The amount of asset reported in the acceptance of tax amnesty till last night friday, september 30th, 2016 total surged in asset is Rp 3,450 trillion out of Rp 4000 trillion targeted. 
Finance minister sri mulyani said the collected ransom fund reaches Rp 97.1 trillion according to official report site of general directorate of taxation yesterday.
There are around 347,033 taxpayers participate in tax amnesty program and only 14,135 who have taxpayers identification number. They are liable to pay ransom rate 2% for first period up to the end of month of september.

Most of participants are induvidual taxpayers. The total of personal affidavit submitted reaching 279,935 with total of ransom fund RP 77,4 trillion meanwhile the corporation or large taxpayers affidavits are 72,064 with ransom fund Rp 9,54 trillion.

Public relations of general directorate of taxation hestu yoga said that banks support the scheme of government and extension of normal working hours is to optimize the surged funds. The directorate of taxation waits for the taxpayers participating in deadline date of lowest ransom rate up to the 21:00 pm. Above that mentioned hours the rate offered will be 3% . This is the reason of flood of taxpayers in friday. There are alot of large taxpayers who join the scheme in last minutes. The administration is the main reason for them to wait for the last minutes furthermore it requires prudent calculation, inventory of large amount of asset, yoga said.

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