
Garuda Travel Fair Aims For Rp 386 Billion

Garuda Indonesia Airways is to hold a travel fair in october 7-9th, 2016. This indonesian airways aims to gain Rp 386 billion from sales transaction o
f the travel fair.
The same event has been  held previoulsy by the airline in jakarta of which attended by 69.000 participants and the sales transactions reach Rp 179 billion, said the director of garuda indonesia airways , tony soetirto.

He further stated that the even of garuda fair is also done in other cities like solo, jogjakarta, denpasar, lombok, kupang, makasar, manado, timika and jayapura.
This is an event of tourism exhibition done in jakarta in 2016. Garuda indonesia airways is also in partnership with BNI and gaining revenue of Rp 230 billion.

The company stressed that this is the commitment to boost tourism exhibition of the government. Garuda indonesia airways gives special discount up to 80% during the exhibition and 20% for specific customers.

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