
Muhammadiyah is Claimed to be the Spearhead of Islamic Finance(SHARIAH) in the State

Muhammadiyah is Claimed to be the Spearhead of Islamic Finance(SHARIAH) in the State

Muhammadiyah one of the largest islamic orgnanization in the state is claimed to be the spearhead of islamic finance(Syariah) in the state. It is because this large islamic organization has RP 20 trillion and big building asset. 

The director of corporate valuation IDEX, syamsul hidayat urged muhamadiyah to use its asset for shariah-based products. This is to respond on the issue of less progress islamic finance sector base compared to neighbor country like malaysia whose shariah business leads the finance sector in its country.

Long months ago, vice president yusuf kalla through media also explained that business approach of islamic finance(shariah) to emulate the neighbor country malaysia. Yusuf kalla said that shariah is supposed to be the main holder also in the state economy looking to the large market and islamic base of the business. 

Finance authority fervices(OJK) also considers muhammadiyah to have a big contribution toward shariah finance scheme. So far, there are various shariah programs like islamic bonds, fixed income funds, mutula funds shariah based securities and asset backed securities shariah. 

OJK official sarjito said that muhammadiyah has 22561 units consisting of efforts educational institutions, hospitals and relgious matters institutions. 

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