
Sri Mulyani Claimed Succesfull to Haset BUdget Expenditure

Sri Mulyani Claimed Succesfull to Haset BUdget Expenditure

The finance minister stated that the budget expenditure succeeding to haste recently. She stressed that absoprtion of budget expenditure of ministries and agencies hints to go faster.
" This is a good news, state's expenditure especially from ministries and agencies speed up", said ex world bank director.

Sri mulyani explained that state's expenditure trend continues to haste by the end of the year. It is predicted to be 97% more than the previous years or amounting Rp 1306.7 trillion this year. 

The absorption of state budget becomes the government's concern. Last time, president jokowi reprimands Rp 224 trillion of regional budget still settles in the bank. The president want all the stakeholders to push the absorption budget, infrastructure establishment suitable with the central policy of government. 

This ex governor of jakarta was disappointed by finding the stagnant budget of regions that became the obstacle to boost programs thus implying on the growth of economy in macro term. 

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