
Indonesian USA waste wood watches reaches USA market

Indonesian USA waste wood watches reaches USA market

The waste wood watches is the creation of suswanto from gilang sari, village pereng indonesia. The creative product of this man changing the waste wood into elegant watches making the product to have a high economic value.

The workshop of wuswanto is located in the top of small hill 50 meters in height. In this workshop which is also his house, suswanto collects the mahogany and teak furniture manufacturer of the waster from various region and processing them into watches and chains using mowers, drill, lathes, to the tool oven. Being arranged in a precise, tiny blinds branded wewood, it is equally flexible with iron chain watches.
It has been three years since 2011, suwanto has produced clocks and watchers for american buyers. Suwanto gained in that time RP 80 million per  month. However, suwanto terminted the contract with the counterparty since the released the unilater regulation forbidding him to produce watches for other users. He was also obliged to report the other who produce the similar wooden made watches.

Since the termination of the contract, suwanto only has 6 workers then and producing 100 units per month to be supploied in bandung. Total omzet of suwanto is Rp 20 million per month.

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