
Not paying taxes for 5 years, Google has to pay this year

Not paying taxes for 5 years, Google has to pay this year

The director of general directorate of taxation, ken dwijugiastiadi set ultimatum for google has to pay taxes by the end of the year. Ken said to have accomplished the examination toward this giant engine search company and will make closing conference.

Both general directorate of taxation and the examinee, google will discuss the finding of examination. Previously, google was cognized not to enlisted as formal permanent establishment. The company also have not paying taxes for 5 years. It is estimated total taxes reaches Rp 5.5 trillion for five years though general directorate have not released the amount. 

Google Indonesia was acknowledged not to pay taxes. This company which has headquarter in singapore claimed that it's not registered as permanent establishment thus it has no obligation to pay tax. The directorate of taxes under finance ministry summon the company to have a further talk regarding its obligation. In fact singapore google, the headquarter of indonesia has made meetings with directorate of taxation to talk about tax payment. However, after the finding of the taxpayer status, google rejected to pay taxes and the government look to enforce crime indication for the case.

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