
European investment in indonesia reaches $13.3 billion for last 5 years

European investment in indonesia reaches $13.3 billion for last 5 years

Total of european investment for last 5 years has reached $13.3 billion or amounting  Rp 172.9 trillion. Head of coordinating invesme
nt board(BKPM) thomas lembong said majority of investment comes from netherland, luxemburg, france, germany and england. 

Based on sector, the investment contributes 26% to chemical sector, 20% warhousing and 15% telecommuncation. Meanwhile, most of investment is centralized in java island around 46%. 

President jokowi as stated by head of BKPM encouraged the investment to be distributed also outside java region. It is in aline with principle of equalization of infrastructure and development initiated by the government.

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