

HOW CIGARETTES SAVES LIFE OF LIEUTENANT GENERALHow cigarrete saves one's life is probably the most controversial statement ever. This is just true, scientific research has proved cigarettes is one of the most lethal thing killing thousands lifes through the world. 

The proof of good habit of smoking surely denies in certain term that sometimes exception to scientific law would be a grace for certain people who does in the contrary then save their life. 

A pack of cigarette saves the life of Lieutenant general frank barlow, an england horse troop while on his duty in western front in 1907. Frank escaped from the assault of the foe in the canal and the bullet fragments piercing on his chest. Fortunately, a pack of cigarette in his pocket blocked the bullet. This was the most importance phase of glory of smoking for him. If he would follow the scientific and medical advice, his life would end then. 

This pack of cigarettes was still kept by the lieutenant general even after the war. How cigarette saved his life remain in his concept of adoring this most killing life thing throughout his life even when he shifted the job afterward.

Lieutenant general Frank barlow always brought that pack of cigarette with him. This is how the smoking becomes a habbit and a cigarette turns to be charm for certain person. This was a paradox of common knowledge but the letnan prefered to go against due to memorable experience of him with cigarette. He kept the thing even the bullet too. 

Now the pack cigarette and bullet of frank barlow is being auctioned in england. One thing that remains lasting that it reminisced a fact how cigarette saves the life. 

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