
Repatriated Fund Reached Rp 10.9 trillion Rupiah Far Below The Target

Repatriated Fund Reached Rp 10.9 trillion Rupiah Far Below The Target

To day, sept 2th, 2016, the general directorate of tax released the update of repatriated fund of tax amnesty still far below the target. It has been Rp 10.9 trillion collected fund out of Rp 1000 trillion from government target. 

The amoount of collected repatriated fund is far behind the total asset declared which is Rp 142 trillion from offshore and Rp 23.8  trillion from domestic. Meanwhile the total ransom of tax amnesty reaches only Rp 2.3 trillionout of Rp 165 trillion from the target of government. 

The vice chairman of international relation of Indonesian chamber of commerce ( KADIN) shinta khamdani is pessimistic if the overseas asset of tax payer will be withdrawn to the country since the majority asset are immovable like factory, homes, etc. BUt KADIN will work on their best to contribute for the success of tax amnesty, she added. 

Yustinus prastowo, the expert of indonesia tax center analysis suggested that government has the extend the expiration of lowest ransom rate deadline. The government should give 2 months of declaration for tax payer. According  to yustinues, before the month of august, taxpayer were in confusion until the government finalized all the regulations. Taxpayers will get a tax receipt upon their prior tax declarations. They can follow up with filing and documentation later on but they still will get the first period's penalty rates, yustinus added.

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