
Tax Amnesty Misunderstanding,Implementation and Expectation

Since the launch of tax amnesty program, government has targeted of big potential revenue from ransom, repatriated fund and declared asset. Government ambitiously set high expectation of capable to repatriate around Rp 1000 trillion from offshore asset. However after some months of its official release, tax amnesty achievement still reach around 2% percent of target around 10.9 trillion rupiah recently before the deadline of its lowest rate.

Responding to such situation, government clearly realize of possibility incapable to reach the the target as it was foreseen initially. House representative of gerindra party, kardaya warnika sees the big problem of tax amnesty lies on its implementation. According to kardaya, though the government has tried socialization through mass media and roadshow, a lot of people are still misunderstood tax amnesty program. Further, this gerindra politician criticizes on the online service of tax amnesty to answer the inquiry of participants regarding the program. He stressed: many complaint the tax amnesty call center that is difficult to reach while the people desire to dig deeper about the information.

In other way around, the perception of kardaya warnika apart from presumed politicization of tax amnesty as ever stated by the palace is definitely right. The real proof is that most of tax payers and citizen are basically confused regarding the main objective of tax amnesty itself. People worry much on tax amnesty which is considered disadvantageous for low and middle class. While it is the reason why muhammadiyah  propose for judicial review for tax amnesty on account of evidence that some taxpayers are precisely disadvantageous by the discretion and its implementation in the field. In short tax amnesty is a great confusion for the people. 

The Association of Indonesian Businessman (APINDO) is also befuddled by the statement of government which underlined the big scale taxpayer as the main target of tax amnesty. Apindo on its proposition that tax amnesty is supposed to be applicable for all, not only for a classified class. Chairman of Apindo haryadi sukamdani explained that tax amnesty is a right for all given by legal regulation. It is not an obligation and all the taxpayers have the same right to participate. Haryadi underlined that president's statement cause the confusion meanwhile it's a dilemma of not to participate since the government will apply 200% fine for the taxpayment afterward the term of tax amnesty. 

There is a big expectation especially on government's part. It is quite evident that this discretion taken due to deficit of revenue from total annual budget meanwhile the massive program of infrastructure is transpiring. This means tax amnesty is the ultimate choice to mend the  deficit of budget, in other way around its failure has the tremendous impact toward the ruling on program of government. Government has to evaluate the socialization in the field likewise the implementation and service of all stakeholders. 

Due to the achievement of tax amnesty that is recently far from satisfaction, there is an advice for them to prolong the deadline of lowest rate ransom. The government has to finalize first all the regulation and confusion on tax amnesty so as to withdraw more participant to partake supporting this program. In fact, the positive impact of tax amnesty slowly perceived through the increase the awareness of taxpayer to be obedient with their obligation. 

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