
Tax Amnesty Ransom will Reach only Rp 80 trillion out of Rp 165 Trillion Target

Tax Amnesty Ransom will Reach only Rp 80 trillion out of Rp 165 Trillion TargetGovernment sets high target on tax amnesty ransom Rp 165 trillion. Along the way especially slight a month before its deadline of lowest rate, government seems not to meet the target as it was set since the launch of tax amnesty. 

The analyst of indonesia tax center, yustinus prastowo claimed that the most logical achievement of tax amnesty ransom will only reach Rp 80 trillion. This means the target reach will be only around 50%. The statement of prastowo is not with out a reason, the total repatriated fund up to now is still low around Rp 10 trillion out Rp 1000 trillion targeted. 
The prediction of government on tax amnesty is not well supported by the well planned and effective socialization to the people. Precisely the people worry much about the tax amnesty which seems to be the bugaboo until the govermnet finalized and clarify the misinterpretation of tax amnesty of the people. 

On the other hand, tax center analyst yustinus highlights the postive influence of tax amnesty toward taxation in the country. Yustinus said that tax amnesty become the right moment for the goverment to settle the tax base and enlarge the quantity of taxpayers. 

He added that massive tax amnesty socialization ignites the awareness of people to obey the tax obligation. Tax amnesty according to yustinus should be utilized by the government to develop tax ratio. Taxation should be suitable with financial capaability each taxpayer and being distributed according to the need.

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