
Indofood Inc Expanded its Business in Serbia

Indofood Inc Expanded its Business in Serbia

One of the large company of the country, Indofood Sukses Makmur Incp expanded its business in serbia.The company invested 11 million euro.The factory is located ndjija city around 80Km from the capital city beograd and has been operating since august 2016.

The exective director of Salim group, parent company of indofood sukses makmur admitted that the conducive bilateral between two countries becomes the main groud of indofood investment in serbia. It is expected that indofood becomes the gateway to reach european market, salim added.

The capacity of factory right now is capable to produce 500 cartoons per month. It employs the young serbian workers. The noodle factory itself is basically the good non traditional breakthrough by indofood in european market. 

Indonesian embassy in serbia claimed that the presence of indofood is the proof of tight bilateral of the countries. The serbia government also really appreciate the indonesian investment in their country. it's indicated by the inauguration of factory by serbian president himself.

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