
Tax Amnesty to Extend Depends on Government and Taxpayers' Demand

Tax Amnesty to Extend Depends on Government and Taxpayers' Demand
Tax amnesty extension is quite urgent as stated by chief of chamber of trade and commerce( KADIN) roesan roeslani. KADIN advised that the lowest ransom rate 2% offer for tax amnesty has to be prolonged to december of the year. He stressed that the problem was since june and july the government was busy to settle down the related regulation of tax amnesty and taxpayers' somehow in confusion till that regulations were fixedly set up. 

The vice finance minister, mardiasmo stated that the proposal to to extend lowest rate for ransom fund 2% is under the discussion of finance ministry. There are many things to reconsider including the problem of regulation that had been released on july. The proposal to extend lowest rate means to change the regulation and it's really a big deal for government.
According to mardiasmo, finance minister sri mulyani will assimilate and ponder all the in put and have to discuss it further to come up with best solution. Meanwhile related to the  im put of kadin in chief, mardiasmo stated that the administration process will be also taken into his ministry focus.

Head of trade and commerce chamber roesan saw that tax amnesty was not quite effective and efficient in month of july due to long vacation. Thus to meet the target of Rp 165 trillion, government has to extend the offer of lowest rate. 

Coordinating minister of economy, darmin nasution viewed that the urgency to prolong tax amnesty depend on the demand of people( taxpayers). Darmin stressed it 's the taxpayers given the chance to decide for the issue. 

Meanwhile mardiasmo, the vice minister of finance emphasized currently to follow the available regulations that are set up already. He pointed out that there was significant increasing of ransom fund in the month of september to Rp 30 trillion. This means the available regulation is still effective enough to boost the tax amnesty scheme. Nonetheless, mardiasmo still heed the concern to extend the tax amnesty as proposed.

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