The Financial service authority has studied IPO online since the beginning of 2016 but yet it is claimed to be not ready yet, said nurhaida after the meeting of the launch of IT of licensing and registration integrated(SPRINT) sale of shares on monday, december 19th, 2016 in jakarta.
Nurhaid claimed not to mention specific percentage of IPO online achievement and call to prepare at first the necessary instrument.
Nurhaida stated that ipo online is different with sprint. Sprint is a system that integrates the licensing and integration of more than one compartment of FSA while in IPO online despite no interconnection, it can digitally inserted for instance the banks that offers shares on stock exchanges have to apply for license toward banking supervisior and capital market watchdog.
FSA itself needs to fix the Sprint sustem for 5 interconnection which are license of bonds of financial institution, acquisition, license of LJK and ipo license.
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