
5000 FPI to held rally in front of indonesian police headquarter

5000 FPI to held rally in front of indonesian police headquarter

The Indonesia muslim defenders organization(FPI) is to held the rally heading to indonesian police headquarter appealing to retire regional police in chief of west java province anto charliyan.

FPI saw that anton charlyan has to be responsible on the case of assault by GMBI( pro NKRI) organization toward FPI members. FPI questioned the role of anton as the member of GMBI board of supervisors. 

General secretary of FPI habib novel bamukmin stated that the rally will be under controlled and uphold the non violence. There are around 5000 FPI members will join and held long march toward police headquarter to day monday january 16th, 2017.
Meanhwhile there are around 3000 persons from police and soldiers to secure the rally likewise to anticipate unnecessary cases.

The rally itself will be led by chief of FPI habib rizieq shihab. Indeed, this will be the continuation of rizieq's examination on case of defamation toward pancasila as symbol of the country. 

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