
Jokowi wished to divest 51% of stock, Freeport still to ponder

Jokowi wished to divest 51% of stock, Freeport still to ponder

The government released the new revision regarding the divest regulation of no. 1 2017 particularly the release of stock. In the previous rule article 97 paragraph 1 no. 23 of 2010 mentioned, foreign equity holders of mining business license(IUP) and mining licensing special (IUPK) after 5 years of production must divest its shares where at least indonsians own 20% of participants. 

While in the new regulation article 97 PP 1/2017 holders of IUP and IUPK has to divest 51% of its shares for indonesian pariticipants after 5 years production. 
Responding to the rule, riza pratama, vice president corporate communication of freeport stated that company still to ponder on the new released regulation. Riza further claimed that freeport engagees in underground mining and liable of 30% divest according to regulation. However based on the new presidential regulation to release 51% shares, freeport is still to discuss and possibly prefer to divest via stock market.

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