
World bank:Indonesia economy reaches 5.3% in 2017

World bank:Indonesia economy reaches 5.3% in 2017

World bank predicts the economy growth higher in 2017 to 5.3% from 5.1% last year. Acting lead of world bank economist, hans anand beck claimed that indonesia economy will be still strong in the midst of sluggish global economy growth. Nevertheless, hans cited that there will be more factors to shrink down the growth of indonesia economy both external and internal factors.

The external factors that boost economy such as the price of commodity meanwhile from internal factors is reformation of investment climate faster. While tax amnesty of third period which still achieve 60% of target will trigger slightly since it is not supported fully by other revenue channel.
Based on this, hans propose the country should revise its projection of budget for 2017 to be more realistic with real revenue. There is also a need to reform fiscal to be more productive.

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