Legally certified timber of indonesian arrived for the first time in london on monday january 16, 2017 local time. Indonesia ambassador in london, rizal sukma visited tibury port to symbolically opened the cargo and being accompanied by the representative of importing companies lathams ltd and falcon panel products ltd.
In 2015, total of wood products exported to england reached $127 million. It is expected to increase continuesly in years to come particularly considering the fact that england wood import from all over the world reaching $6.9 billion. It grew 9.11% since 2011-2015.
Rizal in his official statement appreciated the effort of all related person to initiate the wood licensed export of indonesia to england. Further, he believed the obtained license for wood/timber will increase the trust of costumers toward wooden product of indonesia in international level.
England importer companies also appreciates the license for indonesia wooden product as to assure costumers regarding the product particularly to increase the sale of indonesian wooden product in their country.
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