
Indonesia General Commissions Election Claimed The Country doesn't Need yet E-voting

Indonesia General Commissions Election Claimed The Country doesn't Need yet E-voting
General commission of Election(KPU) sees no urgency of the country to use e-voting. In the Asian electoral forum held in bali, KPU stated that indonesia doesn't intend to imitate the other countries like USA using e-voting. Though Indonesia is considered as the big country with such high population estimated more than 100 Billion citizens, KPU opted to still use the manual voting and opting to use the e-recap for general election and regional elections to come consisting of USSB, C1 scan and seven segments. 

USSB system was sort of banking and SMS system is trying recommended by BPPT. If the seven segments with the letter kalkultor and immediate results, while the scan C1 which we have applied in the last election, "said Ferry Riskiansyah, KPU commissioner. 

Meanwhile, general election watchdog is ahead advance in using the trend of technology and social media to monitor the election in regions, provinces, and districts. 
The Election watchdog staff, nasrulah said that through facebook and you tube, the transpiring elections in all over part of the country can be well monitored, thus to diminish the violation of election. 

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