
MInister of Trade Enggartiasto Luvita visited related companies to ensure the price and supply of sugar and beef

Enggartiasto Luvita visited related companies to ensure the price and supply of sugar and beef

Minister of trade anggar visited lampung on sunday sept 18th,2016 to check directly the companies encharged in 2 commodities of sugar and beef which are PT adi karya gemilang, PT great giant livestock, PT austasia stockfeed and PT pemuka sakti manis indah.

To these companies this politician of golkar party expressed the readiness to stabilize the flow stock of two major commodities. Enggartiasto also talked about food and non food alternatives such as cassava and palm oil to ensure the national demand.

MInister of trade emphasized the stability of sugar and beef prize. He stressed to press the sugar prize in rate Rp 12.500 per kg. To reach the goal the companies are responsible stablizing the demand and the supply. Enggartiasto added it's through the empowerment of farmers and ranchers to reach stability of commodities of beef and sugar thus to be perceived nationally by the people. 
Sugar producers should embrace the sugarcane farmers likewise the large farmer should engage in cattle breeding and partnership. The synergy between farmers and producers will help the increasing of productivity thus the good quality will be able to attain.

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