
Indonesia will be the fourth largest after china, india and USA in 2050

Indonesia will be the fourth largest after china, india and USA in 2050

In 2050, indonesia will be the 4th largest after china, india and usa in term of gross domestic product(GDP) with the calculation of purchasing power per capita, said hal hill, an economist of crawford school of public policy national university of australia in his visitation in gadja madha university of indonesia.

According to hil, the big countries that are quite advance in progress will not necessarily be the same in the future because the center of economy gravity will  move toto asia pacific. According to his projection, there are 5 big countries namely cina, india, USA , indonesia and brazil of which 3 of them are in asia. 

Indonesia is projected to increase significantly from nine to fourth of the world rank while brazil will leap from seventh to fifth rank in 2050. Indonesia is on its way chasing forward to the progress after in the 1960s it was very poor but capable to alleviate. 

Based on gross domestic product with calculation at purchasing power parity per capita, china in 2014 then 2030 up to 2050 will be the first. Then india will place the second replacing USA. 

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